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Rock Chick 6 – Reckoning

I love this book!

There was a moment in the book when they do the usual He said do this but She won’t do that stuff, but unlike the other pairs, Mace and Stella got their shit together (And that’s saying something considering Mace probably has the ugliest past among the boys).

So Mace is damaged.

And Stella… oops! I totally forgot what she did on the first part of the book, I remember a lot yelling and a lot rejection to Mace but what’s important is that she got to her senses real quick. She may be stubborn, but when she knew that Mace needed her, she was there. When Mace told her that she needs to make a stand, she did. Now this, for me, is a Rock Chick.

Out of all the Rock Chick books, so far this has more action on it. They were attacked a lot of times, Stella ended up with a flesh wound, Shirleen shot someone, there was a jerk persecutor who loved big tits (I can’t believe I just used that word), and there’s a big family drama which ended up with someone’s dad dying. Who? Well, I’m not going to spoil the book.

This was fun. I loved the book! I loved Stella and Mace (Of course, no one can beat Lee, but he’s really closing in), I love the twist, I love the action (I could imagine the shootings and everything),I love the scenes – I’m giving this a 5 out of 5 stars.

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