Black Lies
This book is a little dark and twisted for my taste.
Don’t get me wrong; I love the plot. It isn’t like any affair stories I’ve read before, and I finished reading the book because it’s intriguing. I guess there are books that no matter how likable they are, you wouldn’t feel connected to them.
I don’t get Layana’s character. It seems at first that she’s going to rebel or something, but it didn’t get to that part. Well, it did, she narrated how she kissed and had sex with strangers and all that, but I was expecting something different. The part that gets interesting was when she met Brant, though their relationship isn’t that realistic for me. I don’t see the connection between them. They are just like two people who have great chemistry in bed. When Brant professed his love, I wasn’t that convinced.
Brant’s character is interesting. The reason why I can’t put the put the book down is because I want to find out his secret.
I don’t like Lee’s character as well. He seems like a jerk (sorry!) who would have sex with a girl despite knowing that she’s taken.
So the plot is fresh. I liked it; I’ve never read a book like it before, though I just don’t like how it was written. I was bored on the first chapters until the part Layana knew Brant’s secret. The secret is something that kept me going.
The ending was sweet, though it doesn’t seem that realistic for me. I don’t know anything about DID, but from a reader’s POV, I think it’ll be more realistic that Brant could manage or handle it, instead of Lee disappearing forever.
Characters – Layana and Lee got 1 point each, though Brant gets a 3 – 1
Plot – 3
Pace –I didn’t like the pace, it seems unrealistic for me, so 1 point there
Ending – 1
Overall, 1.5 stars.