Love on the Malecon
Characters – Plot – Pace – Ending system
This is actually a promising book, though there were some points that I did not favor much.
The characters are ok. Nicole was on optimist, despite what she had just been through. I like that she thought of going to her father’s favorite place after his death, and that she pushed through with the idea even though she’s alone. Derek’s character is interesting too. For the characters, I’m giving this a 4.
I like the plot. I always like the finding-love-in-strangest-place theme, especially if the setting is somewhere romantic. Plus those exes plots, and a little danger – I like it. For the plot, I am going to give it a 4 as well.
I am very particular with the pace. I find some stories rushed, some dragging, and some a combination of both. For this one, though the pace is interesting, some scenes are dragging, and some are rushed (sorry!). The pace of the first part of the story seems slow, while the turn of events on the last part are the opposite. I am not against love at first sight, but I find instant weddings unrealistic. Sorry, but for the pace, I will rate this a 1.
It ended with a wedding, which for me isn’t realistic, so I’m giving this a 3.
Overall, 3 stars.