This is a college romance novel about a Prude and a Jerk.
Rebecca, the prude, is everything the word means. Her character is ok, though there are times that some of her actions are a bit annoying. How can someone be THAT naïve? Sorry, but personally, it doesn’t sound realistic.
Derek’s character was ok. He’s a cool guy, though I am not convinced that he likes Rebecca.
For the characters, I am going to give it a 3.
I like the plot. The whole Rebecca getting dumped and Derek trying to get her number part was fun. The two of them partnering up for a project seemed like a cliché, but the rest of the scenes were interesting. For the plot, I give 4 points.
The pace of the story seemed kind of slow, or maybe there were just scenes that are all redundant talk. But I loved the part where something happened between them then Derek disappeared; the pace from that scene until the end seems convincing enough. 4 points.
I also loved the ending – it was fun to read and unexpected. 4 points.
Overall, 4 stars